On 12 of January 2017 in the Official Newspaper of the Turkish Government “Resmi Gazete” changes to the law “About the Turkish citizenship” was published.

According to this document, 5 categories of foreigners may apply for the Turkish nationality by simplified procedure:

1. Persons who have bought properties that values at least 250.000 $ (USD). In condition if they will keep it within 3 years from date of purchase.

2. Persons who have invested into the Turkish industry more than 500.000 $ (USD).

3. Persons who have a deposit in Turkish banks in amount at least 500.000 $US dollars. And keep it in Turkey within 3 years from the date of investment.

4. Persons who have purchased government securities (bonds) in value of at least 500.000 $ for a period not less than 3 years.

5. Persons who opened a company and gave at least 50 new work place for Turkish citizens.

Preview of the law in the Turkish language: Karar Sayısı: 2016/9601 (Click Here)